Designer at work

10 Interior Design Tips by Kanika Design

Hi There! I am Kanika, and I am a Bay area interior designer that specializes in commercial and residential projects. My business started solely by passion, which I discovered while living with my parents. I loved rearranging furniture at my parents house, and if they bought an item without my suggestion, I always had a strong opinion on where it should be placed. I realized my passion for interior design when I moved out of my nest and owned my first apartment. I received compliments on the modern apartment decor on every visit and it felt very rewarding. Thereafter, I realized my purpose on this planet is to help people design beautiful and functional spaces for their homes and offices. Below are a few design tips that have helped shaped by journey along the way. 

Interior Design Quotes

Design Tips:

  1. My theory for design is, it doesn’t have to be expensive or inexpensive. Design should be functional, practical and beautiful 🙂 
  2. Pinterest is my go to guide for all my clients, to better understand their style and dislikes. I give all my clients design exercises on Pinterest, and ask them to pin the rooms they either love or dislike, as this helps me gets a stronger sense of their design styles. 
  3. I value that everyone works hard for their money, “money doesn’t grow on trees” therefore, I am respectful and mindful of my clients hard earning money and guarantee you will get the bang for your buck!
  4. Residential design is like a marriage, a relationship that we love to build upon. We often come across couples with different design styles, and integrate a balance of both styles to fulfill both the husband and wife’s expectations. We want to respect and take both clients design styles into consideration, and create a space they’ll both love coming home to. 
  5. Presenting your design to someone you barely know or just met could be nerve wracking. At this point restore your passion and remind yourself that you were hired to design a space specialized with a touch of your style and talent, and keep your clients vision in mind throughout the process as fuel for your inspiration. 
  6. During a presentation there may be things that need adjustments, and that’s absolutely fine. Don’t be discouraged if the design is not loved on the first go as apart of this work is trial and error. After all it’s our client’s home, and it’s our responsibility to design their perfect oasis. 
  7. I like to select furniture items that are not only stylish, but comfortable to sit on for longer periods of time. I factor comfortability and functionality in my key decisions while designing a home. 
  8. Are you on a limited budget? No worries! Start with changing your wall colors, as new wall colors do wonders for your space. If you’re tired/bored of your home decor try exploring by changing up the wall colors first. 
  9. One of my favorite tips that I love to suggest to all my clients is to decorate with different pillows on your sofa, bedroom, or any living space for all 4 seasons. Changing out your pillows every season really enhances the rooms mood/look all year round, and it’s an inexpensive make-over for your space. 
  10. Finishing a room or putting a room together is very important. The correct artwork, decor, and coffee table is a must. 
  11. The focal point of the room should always be the fireplace. If you don’t have a fireplace, no worries! just purchase a coffee table, which creates a statement or highlight pieces of your room. 
  12. Last but not the least, the most important decor of all is an area rug. Area rugs complete our spaces, they tie the whole room/space together. On my list area rugs are a definite must!